Ajax techniques demonstration on Tom Riddle's Dairy As seen in 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Advanced Ajax Learning and Tutorials provides free ajax tutorials,examples,asp net ajax tutorial,simple examples,javascript tutorial,ajax demonstration examples on Calendar,Menu,Tree,Windows,Forms,Ajax Training, Learn Ajax, Ajax Framework, Ajax Example
Is AJAX code cross browser compatible?
Not totally. Most browsers offer a native XMLHttpRequest JavaScript object, while another one (Internet Explorer) require you to get it as an ActiveX object....
Techniques for asynchronous server communication have been around for years. What makes Ajax a “new” approach?
What’s new is the prominent use of these techniques in real-world applications to change the fundamental interaction model of the Web. Ajax is taking hold now because these technologies and the industry’s understanding of how to deploy them most effectively have taken time to develop.
Is Ajax a technology platform or is it an architectural style?
It’s both. Ajax is a set of technologies being used together in a particular way.
What kinds of applications is Ajax best suited for?
If you worked on web applications, whenever a user interacted with a page, and it has to process it, the page refreshes. This refresh is called a postback. The odd thing is that, the entire page did not need to be refreshed. Instead only part or certain elements of a page, can be refreshed , but aynschronously. So if you look at an AJAXified Web Application, you will notice that it is very similar to a desktop application.
So AJAX allows the developers to build web applications and give the user an experience of desktop applications. Such application are called as Rich Internet Applications (RIA).
Could you show some actual server side and Ajax code?
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