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AJAX Example Programs
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ajax sample programs,
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javascript examples,
program in ajax
Comments: (6)
To understand how AJAX works, we will just examine these AJAX examples programs.
1.AJAX sample program to see the contents of a text file
2.Fetching data with Ajax
3.XML in ACTION : AJAX Sample Program
4.AJAX PHP Form Validation
5.Sample program demonstrating AJAX
6.Using two XMLHttpRequest objects - Sample AJAX Code
7.Buy a television by dragging it to the shopping cart - AJAX Sample Program
8.Fetching data with Ajax - Sample AJAX Program
9.Using Ajax and XML - AJAX Sample Program
10.Using Ajax and XML 2 - Sample AJAX Program
11.Using Ajax and XML 3 - Sample Ajax Code
12.Reading header information - AJAX Sample Program
13.Downloading images with Ajax - Sample Ajax Code
14.Fetching data with Ajax 1 - Sample AJAX Code
15.Fetching data with Ajax 2 - Sample AJAX Codes
16.Fetching data with Ajax and ASP, PHP - AJAX Sample Program
17.Creating Ajax-enabled menus - Sample AJAX Code
18.Using multiple XMLHttpRequest objects - AJAX Sample Programs
19.Buy a television by dragging it to the shopping cart | Ajax Drag and Drop