Singleton Pattern

I will show you how to take your Ajax applications to the next level by using design patterns in your code to help you optimize and build scalable applications that can be easily updated with future features.

Design patterns help solve common programming problems. For instance, the Singleton pattern solves the problem of having to instantiate multiple instances of an object throughout an application by simply giving our application one reference that never changes. This is how the Singleton pattern specifically solves a common programming problem.

Objects that utilize the Singleton pattern provide a consistent reference for other objects in the web application. A Singleton object is one that cannot be instantiated more than once. This means that multiple instances of the object cannot be created. You might be asking why you would want an object that cannot be instantiated by other objects in a web application. we will explain why, help you understand how this pattern is useful, and show you how to use this pattern in your Ajax applications by creating an object that handles all of your Ajax updates.

An Overview of the Singleton Pattern

Imagine having a large-scale Ajax application with dozens of objects. In this application, you would like to add an object that handles all your Ajax updates. We will call this object the AjaxUpdater. All the objects in your web application will communicate through this object if they need to make an XHR at any time. Not only will this object handle all the requests, it will also handle delegating the responses to specified callback methods. In other words, when the response has been received, the AjaxUpdater will notify the requesting object if a callback method was specified during the request. This situation would require the use of the Singleton pattern because we would need a consistent object reference for the dozens of objects in our application that might be making XHRs. This pattern will also help separate this important functionality into a specific object for more flexibility, and help keep the web application decoupled for easy updates and future additions to the code. It might seem odd at first to separate your code into so many different objects, but as your application grows it will keep your code extremely easy to update and save you a lot of time in the long run.

Creating an Object Using the Singleton Pattern

Creating a JavaScript object with the Singleton pattern is so simple and intuitive. To instantiate a Singleton object, simply write the following line of code:

 AjaxUpdater = {};

Instantiating the object is truly this simple and, as you can see, it only allows us to create the one reference to the object within the object itself. This object will then be used throughout the rest of the web application for constant reference. Now that we have our object instantiated, all we have to do is call it by name from anywhere in the application to access its properties and methods.

Creating properties and methods in a Singleton object is just as simple as instantiating the object. Write the name of the object, followed by the name of the method, and then point it to a new function, with any associated parameters if necessary. Take a look at the example of the initialize method in the below code snippet.

1.Creating a Method in a Singleton Object (AjaxUpdater.js

 AjaxUpdater.initialize = function()
AjaxUpdater.isUpdating = false;

The initialize method needs to be invoked after it is created in order to initialize the
object before we can use the rest of its methods. It also prevents JavaScript from throwing an error because the method will not have existed at this point.
This method initializes the AjaxUpdater and, although it does not accept any parameters, it is used to set all the
local properties for the object. If this object is not initialized, the properties of the object will not be properly instantiated when we try to
access their values, resulting in unexpected behaviors. Creating a property in a Singleton object is as simple as typing the name of the object, followed by
the property you want to create.

AjaxUpdater.isUpdating = false;

In the preceding example, we are creating a Boolean property named isUpdating. This property is set to false by default because the object is not currently active, which means that it is not currently updating any requests or waiting for any responses. The isUpdating Boolean will be used to determine whether the object is currently updating a request or waiting for a response from the Ajax engine. This property will be extremely useful when we have an application with numerous requests because we might need to decide whether to make a new request based on its value, or we might want to check it if a user is trying to exit the page while a request is in transit to warn him of any potential data loss. There are many other uses for this Boolean value, as we will discover when our application grows larger and has numerous active requests. After we have our object instantiated and all its properties are initialized, we can create the rest of the methods it will contain. The methods we will be creating will help this object handle all of our Ajax requests and delegate the server-side responses to the correct callback methods. The method we will use the most throughout our web application is the Update method. This method will handle making all the requests and delegating all the responses to the appropriate callback methods. The object takes three parameters to provide maximum flexibility to our object's XHRs. The first parameter is called method because it represents the method in which we want to handle the requests. As we learned, “The Request", there are three possible values for this parameter: GET, POST, and PUT. The second parameter is a called service. This parameter represents the key/value pair, XML, or any other type of data that we would like to pass to the server side to be saved to a database or used to retrieve specific data. The third is an optional parameter named callback. This parameter represents the callback method that other objects will register to use when making a request. This method can be located in any other object, as long as it is scoped properly during the request. If this parameter is not passed, we default to a callback parameter that we will create as part of the AjaxUpdater object next. The below snapshot shows how the Update method is constructed.

2.The Update Method in the AjaxUpdater (AjaxUpdater.js)

 AjaxUpdater.Update = function(method , service, callback)
     if(callback == undefined || callback == "")
         callback = AjaxUpdater.onResponse;
     Ajax.makeRequest(method, service, callback);
     AjaxUpdater.isUpdating = true;

The first section of code in the Update method is an if statement, which checks for the callback parameter. We check to see if this value is undefined or an empty string. If it is, we set it to a default method named onResponse, which is a method that will exist in the AjaxUpdater object. When we are sure that we have a callback method set, we move on to make our XHR through the Ajax object. We already know how the engine handles XHRs at this point the only difference here is that we are encapsulating it into our new AjaxUpdater object and abstracting the Ajax object from the rest of our application. As I mentioned at the beginning of this section, the Ajax object also uses the Singleton pattern because we do not want multiple Ajax objects floating around a large web application because it would get very unwieldy. The XHR is made by directly calling the Ajax object's makeRequest method and passing it three parameters. The first parameter is the method in which we want to send the data, which we have passed to the Update method. The second parameter is the service parameter that we passed to the Update method, which contains an XML or server-side file and additional query strings. The last parameter is the callback method that was either passed to the Update method or set to the default response method in the if statement. This method will make an XHR according to the data we provide it and respond to the callback method we pass to it, regardless of where it is located in the application. As you can see, we are also setting the isUpdating Boolean from the initialize method to TRue based on the fact that a request is in progress when this method is invoked.

The onResponse method that we use as a default callback method is very simple and can be used for any default response that you would like; see the below code snapshot, In the example, I am simply using it as a way to reset the isUpdating Boolean back to false, but you could use it to display a default, custom loading message, and so on.

3.The onResponse Method in the AjaxUpdater (AjaxUpdater.js)

AjaxUpdater.onResponse = function()
     if(Ajax.checkReadyState('loading') == "OK"){AjaxUpdater.isUpdating = false;

If we do not use this default callback method, we will need another way to set the isUpdating Boolean to false. I have decided to set this variable directly in the Ajax object's checkReadyState method. When the readyState of the response reaches level 4, we know that the response has completed and is no longer updating. The below snapshot shows an example of where to add this code to the existing method.

Ajax Patterns

Ajax Patterns

Design patterns are extremely useful when developing large-scale applications. Design patterns provide code flexibility and help establish a way of handling common situations that occur in the logic of an application.

Ajax Patterns are mainly classified into six different design patterns

Singleton Pattern

A Singleton object is one that cannot be instantiated more than once. the Singleton pattern solves the problem of having to instantiate multiple instances of an object throughout an application by simply giving our application one reference that never changes. This is how the Singleton pattern specifically solves a common programming problem. Read more...

Model - View - Controller

The Model View Controller (MVC) pattern is the separation of an application's graphical user interface (GUI) from its core logic. Read more...

The Observer Pattern

The Observer pattern is a design pattern that is used to observe the state of an object in an application. The observed object allows other objects to register and unregister as observers. The observers are notified when specific events that they are observing are fired. Read more...

Data Reflection Pattern

The Data Reflection pattern is a pattern that keeps web application content in sync with the database and with the file it is requesting. Read more...

Interaction Patterns

There are many interaction patterns emerging in the budding presence of Ajax. Web applications can now have front-end functionality that is much more complex, such as interacting with the database without a browser refresh. Read more...

Usability Patterns

The usability patterns are designed to provide a more intuitive user experience and eliminate all the annoying JavaScript dialogs that have existed in many applications over the years. The GUI should be free of questions and uncertainty. Read more...

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