Loading the Calendar

The next part of your Ajax-powered calendar that is in need of updating is the calendar itself. Naturally, since you are dealing with a dynamically created task listing, it makes sense that the calendar should retrieve information from the database and load it into each day’s task listing. You can achieve such functionality by querying the database for existing records as it checks the calendar days. Consider the changes to taskchecker.php that will allow the system to identify any tasks on a given day:

//Add in the database connector.
require_once ("dbconnector.php");
//Open the database.
$db = opendatabase();
//Set up the dynamic query string.
$querystr = "SELECT description FROM task WHERE thedate=➥
'" . addslashes ($_GET['thedate']) . "'";
if ($datequery = mysql_query ($querystr)){
if (mysql_num_rows ($datequery) > 0){
<div style="width: 150px; background: #FFBC37; border-style: solid; ➥
border-color: #000000; border-width: 1px;">
<div style="padding: 10px;">
while ($datedata = mysql_fetch_array ($datequery)){
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
echo stripslashes ($datedata['description']);
} else {
echo $datedata['description'];
} else {
echo mysql_error();
//Close the database connection.
mysql_close ($db);

As you can see, you once again load in the database connector script and then call the opendatabase function. Once the database is open, it is a simple matter of creating a query that checks for any tasks that have been set up on each particular day. You then use the mysql_num_rows function to determine if a particular day has any tasks set up, and the while loop cycles through them with the mysql_fetch_array function to display all tasks. It is also important to clean up afterward. You do so by calling the mysql_close function, which will close the link to the database.

Auto-Completing Properly

Now that you have a means to connect to a database, you can start replacing and upgrading some of the placeholder code you used in the previous chapter’s examples. Rather than using static arrays to house information on names within the database, you can get an up-to-date listing of all names in the database on the fly by merely including your database connection script (containing the PHP code to connect to the database) and performing a query to scour the user table for all name instances. Two files are in need of some dire code replacement, autocomp.php and validator.php.

//Add in our database connector.
require_once ("dbconnector.php");
//And open a database connection.
$db = opendatabase();
$foundarr = array ();
//Set up the dynamic query string.
$querystr = "SELECT name FROM user WHERE name LIKE ➥
LOWER('%" . mysql_real_escape_string ($_GET['sstring']) . "%') ORDER BY name ASC";
if ($userquery = mysql_query ($querystr)){
while ($userdata = mysql_fetch_array ($userquery)){
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
$foundarr[] = stripslashes ($userdata['name']);
} else {
$foundarr[] = $userdata['name'];
} else {
echo mysql_error();
//If we have any matches, then we can go through and display them.
if (count ($foundarr) > 0){
<div style="background: #CCCCCC; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px;➥
border-color: #000000;">
for ($i = 0; $i < count ($foundarr); $i++){
?><div style="padding: 4px; height: 14px;" onmouseover=➥
"this.style.background = '#EEEEEE'" onmouseout=➥
"this.style.background = '#CCCCCC'" onclick=➥
"setvalue ('<?php echo $foundarr[$i]; ?>')"><?php echo $foundarr[$i]; ?></div><?php

Notice how the preceding code affects your autocomp.php file. Now, rather than referencing an array to check for name matches, the system actually checks within the database for any matches, using the LIKE operator. This works far better by allowing the system to check dynamically for any new names that may be in the database.
Similarly, your validator.php file now does much the same validation checking as your autocomp.php file. This time, however, rather than checking for an exact match against an array of names, the system now checks for an actual database match for the name in question. Again, this is far superior, as you now have a means to properly store information on saved names. Note that the code flow is largely the same, but now it is done properly via a real data storage model, and the result is a nicely validated form

//Add in our database connector.
require_once ("dbconnector.php");
//And open a database connection.
$db = opendatabase();
//Set up the dynamic query string.
$querystr = "SELECT userid FROM user WHERE name = ➥
LOWER('" . mysql_real_escape_string ( $_GET['sstring']) . "')";
if ($userquery = mysql_query ($querystr)){
if (mysql_num_rows ($userquery) == 0){
//Then return with an error.
?><span style="color: #FF0000;">Name not found...</span>>?php
} else {
//At this point we would go to the processing script.
?><span style="color: #FF0000;">Form would now submit...</span><?php
} else {
echo mysql_error();

Putting Ajax-Based Database Querying to Work

Now that you have the basics for performing Ajax-based database requests, let’s continue to build upon your calendar example. You can still make use of the database and users you created in the last example, but you will need some new information built into your database. In this case, I have created a table named task, set up in the following way:

userid INT,
thedate DATE,
description TEXT

The taskid field will act as your uniquely identifying ID number for each task (and will let the auto_increment and primary key features handle its integrity). The userid field will be used as a foreign key to associate the task with the user who set it up. The thedate field will store a date value (YYYY-MM-DD) for each task, and the description field will house the actual task description itself. For the purposes of this example, you will populate the table with these fields:

INSERT INTO task (userid, thedate, description) VALUES
(1,'2005-12-04','Finish chapter 4');

INSERT INTO task (userid, thedate, description) VALUES

Next, you will set up the user table that will allow you to store users that can enter tasks into the system.


This table will house a unique identification number (userid, to associate with the task table) and a name field to house the name of the user. You will add one record to this table:

INSERT INTO user (userid, name) VALUES ('1','Lee Babin');

Once the tables are created, it is time to set up a database connection script. In order to connect to a database using the PHP MySQL library, you must supply the connection information to the mysql_connect function. Consider the following block of code, which will allow you to connect to your MySQL database:

//Define the mysql connection variables.
define ("MYSQLHOST", "localhost");
define ("MYSQLUSER", "apressauth");
define ("MYSQLPASS", "tasks");
define ("MYSQLDB", "taskdb");
function opendatabase(){
try {
if (!$db){
$exceptionstring = "Error connecting to database:
$exceptionstring .= mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error();
throw new exception ($exceptionstring);
} else {
mysql_select_db (MYSQLDB,$db);
return $db;
} catch (exception $e) {
echo $e->getmessage();

As you can see here, the dbconnector.php script, which creates a connection to the database, is both simple and efficient. By including this in whatever file you deem necessary, you can perform database queries by merely referencing the $db variable. By keeping the database login information in one place, you cut down on any maintenance you may have to perform should you decide to change the database connection information. You also limit the security risks by not spreading around database information.

MySQL Tips and Precautions

While working with Ajax-based MySQL connectivity, there are several aspects to keep in mind. First off, it is worth noting that making connections to databases through Ajaxbased interfaces can quickly become a processing nightmare for the database server if you are not careful about it. When you consider that you could have multiple processes going on in the same page for the same user, the possibility for multiple connections bogging down the server increases dramatically. Consider a web page that has three spots on a single page through which the database can be accessed with Ajax. This would mean that a single page could generate three open requests per user, whenever the functionality was processed. If you think of that across a busy site, the possibility for database server overload becomes higher. As more advanced connection handling becomes available to keep up with the rise in Ajax functionality, this should become less of an issue, but it is important to note anyway so that you don’t potentially go overboard without realizing
the possible problems involved.
Next, you have to consider the ergonomics of what you’re loading a MySQL result into. For instance, if you’re working with a full page refresh and you want to output an error message, it would be simple to load the error message somewhere into the page where it might be quite visible. However, when working with Ajax, you will frequently be loading content into smaller, more contained, less evident enclosures. Therefore, you will have to be more vigilant in keeping the user’s attention on what is going on. In particular, MySQL errors can be quite large, and so it might be a better idea to have any MySQL errors e-mailed to an administrator, and have a small warning message outputted to the user.
As far as security goes, you must be more vigilant than ever. While it may seem as though scripts being accessed through Ajax would be safer than full-on page-rendered scripts, they are in fact just as vulnerable—possibly even more so. The reason for this is that all JavaScript is visible to anyone who views the source of your page. Therefore, any files that are being referenced can be sniffed out and potentially used maliciously if the script itself does not validate against direct access. Since you have so far only been using GET requests in your Ajax requests, there is also the possibility of code injection— especially, in this case, SQL injection.
SQL injection is the act of passing malicious code into the query string (the address bar of your browser) with the intent of causing problems with any dynamic queries contained within the script. Because of this, it is important to take precautions when retrieving information from the query string to dynamically create a MySQL query. Most database software has ways to remove injected data (in MySQL’s case, it is a function by the name of mysql_real_escape_string). Another fairly simple way to alleviate the problem of SQL injection is to merely wrap any variables being retrieved from the query string with either the addslashes function (for string variables) or the intval function (for integer-based variables). All in all, it is important to realize that someone could easily directly access your script, so you should take precautions accordingly, especially with dynamic queries.

Querying a MySQL Database

In order to make a valid query to a database table, the table must first be there. Let’s create a table called block that has the purpose of storing a random word. The following SQL code (the language that MySQL uses to perform actions) will create the table:

content TEXT

Now that you have a valid table named block created, you can go ahead and insert some data using SQL once more. Consider the following code to insert eight random words into your block table:

INSERT INTO block (content) VALUES ('frying');
INSERT INTO block (content) VALUES ('awaits');
INSERT INTO block (content) VALUES ('similar');
INSERT INTO block (content) VALUES ('invade');
INSERT INTO block (content) VALUES ('profiles');
INSERT INTO block (content) VALUES ('clothes');
INSERT INTO block (content) VALUES ('riding');
INSERT INTO block (content) VALUES ('postpone');

Now that you have a valid table set up and information stored within that table, it is time to work with Ajax and PHP to perform a query to the database dynamically and without any page refreshing. Ajax functionality can be triggered based on different events. Certainly, a common event (basically, an action that can be “captured” to execute code) to trigger Ajax code can come from the onclick event. The reason this event proves so useful is because many HTML objects allow this event to be fired. By making use of the onclick event, you can achieve some pretty interesting functionality. Consider the following block of code, which will randomly grab a word from your database of random words and populate it into the element that was clicked. When the page first loads, sample4_1.html

Now have a look at the following code for sample4_1.html. You will notice that each block has an onclick event registered for it. This is the action that will trigger your Ajax functionality.

<title>Sample 4_1</title>
<meta equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="functions.js"></script>

<div class="dborder" id="">" onclick="grabword (this.id)"></div>

Now, when any of the boxes are clicked, they fire a function called grabword, which accepts the current object’s id as an argument. This is the function that will run an Ajax request to either populate the box or, if the box is already populated, make the box empty again. The following JavaScript function (contained within functions.js) will perform the functionality for you.

//Create a boolean variable to check for a valid Internet Explorer instance.
var xmlhttp = false;
//Check if we are using IE.
try {
//If the javascript version is greater than 5.
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");

} catch (e) {
//If not, then use the older active x object.
try {
//If we are using IE.
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (E) {
//Else we must be using a non-IE browser.
xmlhttp = false;
//If we are using a non-IE browser, create a javascript instance of the object.
if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
//Function to run a word grabber script.
function grabword (theelement){
//If there is nothing in the box, run Ajax to populate it.
if (document.getElementById(theelement).innerHTML.length == 0){
//Change the background color.
document.getElementById(theelement).style.background = "#CCCCCC";
serverPage = "wordgrabber.php";
var obj = document.getElementById(theelement);
xmlhttp.open("POST", serverPage);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
obj.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
} else {
//Change the background color.
document.getElementById(theelement).style.background = "#FFFFFF";
//If the box is already populated, clear it.
document.getElementById(theelement).innerHTML = "";

You first create an XMLHttpRequest object and then check to see if the box already has content. If the box is already filled with content, the grabword function merely sets the innerHTML property of the object to blank. If it is empty, however, the function makes an Ajax request to populate the box with the results of the output from the wordgrabber.php file. Let’s have a look at the wordgrabber.php file to see how the query is executed:

The PHP script first requires the database connection script built in the previous code block (dbconnector.php), and then calls the opendatabase function to allow a valid connection to the database. From there, you simply build a SQL query to grab the content of a random word from your block table. Last, the content is outputted;
shows the effects of clicking and unclicking the different boxes.

Connecting to MySQL

In order to access and make use of a MySQL database, you first must create a database and then create and manage a set of tables within that database. In order to connect to your database, however, you must also create a user that has permissions to access the database in question, and assign them a password. For the following examples, I have created a database called taskdb. I have also assigned a user called apressauth to the database and given the user a password: tasks. In order to perform this sort of database management, you can go ahead and use the command line interface MySQL provides, or try a more robust solution. I prefer phpMyAdmin (www.phpmyadmin.net) for a web-based solution and SQLyog (www.webyog.com/sqlyog) for remote connections. Both are free solutions and will serve you well.
To connect to a MySQL database using PHP, you must make use of the mysql_connect function. Consider the following code, found within the file dbconnector.php, that will allow you to connect to the database:

//Define the mysql connection variables.
define ("MYSQLHOST", "localhost");
define ("MYSQLUSER", "apressauth");
define ("MYSQLPASS", "tasks");
define ("MYSQLDB", "taskdb");
function opendatabase(){
try {
if (!$db){
$exceptionstring = "Error connecting to database:
$exceptionstring .= mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error();
throw new exception ($exceptionstring);
} else {
mysql_select_db (MYSQLDB,$db);
return $db;
} catch (exception $e) {
echo $e->getmessage();

As you can see, there are two parts to any database connection using MySQL. First, the mysql_connect function must attempt to make a connection to the database and validate the username and password. If a valid connection is made, a connection to the server will be retained. At this point, you must now specify which database you want to be working on. Since there could potentially be many databases assigned to each MySQL user, it is imperative that the script know which database to use. Using the mysql_select_db function, you can do just that. If everything goes properly, you should now have an open connection to the database, and you are ready to move on to the next stop: querying the database.

Introduction to MySQL

Obviously, in order to follow along with the examples in this chapter, you will need to
have a few applications running on your server. In order to make this example as flexible
as possible, I will show how to connect to MySQL using PHP code that will work on
servers that are compliant with PHP 5. Since MySQL 5 is extremely new as I write this,and not a great many server hosts have upgraded, I will show how to make it work from
MySQL 4 and up. Therefore, you will need PHP 5 and a version of MySQL 4 or higher
(3 will likely work just fine as well) installed on an Apache (or equivalent) server.

Before you can make use of MySQL, you must first research some core principles.
MySQL makes use of SQL (structured query language) when performing queries to the
database. It is therefore quite important to understand how SQL works, and what types of
queries will facilitate certain types of functionality. This book assumes that you know the
basics of implementing a database and running queries on it, as explaining the intricacies
of database management can quite easily fill a book on its own.

In the interest of creating an actual usable application, you will continue building the
application you started in Chapter 3. Basically, you will work to finalize the task management
solution by connecting the current Ajax-oriented JavaScript and PHP code with a
MySQL database so that you can actually draw information and save data dynamically to
a database. When finished, you will have a fully functional task management system that
can be used and implemented in any situation required.

Database-Driven Ajax

Now that you have a basic understanding of how to use PHP with Ajax to accomplish
some dynamic and functional goals, it’s time to start tying in some of the more complicated
and powerful functionality available to PHP. The advantage to using a robust
server-side language such as PHP with Ajax-sculptured JavaScript is that you can use it
to accomplish tasks that are not easily accomplished (if at all) with JavaScript. One such
set of core functionality is that of database storage and retrieval.
It goes without saying that MySQL combined with PHP is a developer’s dream. They
are both incredibly affordable, robust, and loaded with documentation and functionality.
While MySQL generally has a licensing fee, an exception has been made for working with
MySQL together with PHP, called FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software). FLOSS
allows for free usage of MySQL (for more information on FLOSS, see the MySQL documentation
at www.mysql.com/company/legal/licensing/foss-exception.html). PHP and
MySQL connect to each other with the greatest of ease and perform quite admirably from
a processing standpoint. With the recent release of MySQL 5.0, you can now accomplish
many things that were previously possible only with expensive database solutions such
as Oracle.

MySQL 5.0 has added a few new features—some of the more powerful ones include
stored procedures, triggers, and views. Stored procedures allow you to create and access
functions executed strictly on the MySQL server. This allows for developers to put a
greater load on the MySQL server and less on the scripting language they are using.
Triggers allow you to perform queries that fire when a certain event is triggered within
the MySQL server. Again, like stored procedures, triggers allow the MySQL server to take
on more of a processing role, which takes some emphasis off of the scripting language.
Views allow you to create custom “reports” that can reference information within the
database. Calling views is a simple and efficient way to “view” certain data within your
database. All of this functionality has been available in more elaborate database systems
(such as Oracle) for years, and MySQL’s inclusion of them really shows that it’s becoming
a key player in the database game.

The ability to harness PHP-, MySQL-, and Ajax-sculpted JavaScript is a very powerful
tool that is readily available to any developer in the know. In fact, entire software applications
have been built using the Ajax architecture to manage a MySQL database. Online
applications such as TurboDbAdmin (www.turboajax.com/turbodbadmin.html)—have come a long way in showing you what is possible when PHP, Ajax, and
MySQL come together. TurboDbAdmin shows off a good portion of the Ajax-based
application gamut. Everything from inserting and maintaining rows, switching tabs,
performing queries, and creating dynamic content is handled by seamless Ajax-based
functionality. All in all, TurboDbAdmin does a very solid job of showing that Ajax is very
capable of handling complex database management.

While TurboDbAdmin does an admirable job working with your MySQL server, and
is very simple to install and implement, I find that the functionality is not quite as
robust as some of the more refined, PHP-based MySQL management systems, such as
phpMyAdmin (more on that later). Still, TurboDbAdmin provides an interesting perspective
on where Ajax can take you and what can be accomplished.

The focus of this post be to show you just how easy it is to create online Ajaxdriven
applications that can connect easily to a MySQL server.

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